
Using the Online Pedigree Database

The Online Pedigree Database is only available to RWHA members. If you need pedigree information to buy or breed you may contact an RWHA member or become a member.

If you are already a RWHA member, login to the Members’ Area to view the Animal List/Pedigree page.

After you have some search results on the Animals List page, you can try out these features:

  • Animal Info: Click the little blue “i” button at the left of table of animal info to see an Info page for that animal. The Info page basically shows all of the info available from the database for an animal. The Info page will show a picture if one is available for that animal.
  • Pedigree: Click the little blue “P” button to see a pedigree for that animal. Or click the Sire Name or Dam Name links to see a pedigree for the sire or dam. Note that you can customize the Pedigree format somewhat using the link at the upper left of the Pedigree.
  • Progeny: Click the little blue “O” button (for Offspring) to see a progeny report for that animal. Note that while you hold your mouse over the “O” button, it will tell you how many progeny that animal has. The progeny button won’t be shown if that animal has no progeny in the database. The Progeny page works much like the Animals List page so you can sort by column headings and customize the fields that are shown.
  • Descendants: Click the little blue “D” button to see a descendants report for that animal.
  • Breeder/Owner Info: Click the Breeder or Owner Name link to see their Breeder Info page.
  • Customize Search Results: Be sure to try this feature. Click the “Customize Search Results” link on the Animals List page (just above the Quick Search form.) This will show you a form where you can select which fields of the database you want to see on the Animals List page. You need to have cookies enabled in your browser to use this feature.